Part I: Into the Midwest
Part II: Friends and Family
Part III: Western Spectacles
The structure wasn’t clear to us in advance, but is now.
Bryce Canyon: nearly totally fogged in and rainy
Grand Canyon: thunderstorm with huge hail
Zion Canyon: rocking thunderstorm while we were on trail
It’s not that we haven’t had a great time. We hiked and drove all over Grand Canyon. Note the lack of a definite article in the name. Izzy earned a Junior Ranger badge; he enjoyed the process so much, he wants to get another one at Zion. We hadn’t intended to go back to Zion tomorrow morning. We’re staying in a cheap motel a half-hour west. But we’re going on a ranger-led tour as part of the requirements for Izzy’s badge. Our fun was sort of washed out today, and Zion is spectacular.
Today is Monday and we’ll be in California on Thursday afternoon. The only thing that stands between us and our destination is Las Vegas.