Having made our way out of North Platte early, and crossing into Mountain time, we made it to Boulder on Sunday around 12:30. Another three-day leg of fairly intense driving is done and we get to relax, driving once in the next five days and for less than four hours to Steamboat Springs. We are well past halfway done with our total mileage, hanging with Ilene and her family at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.
Em and I were exhausted on Sunday, so we ditched the kids with their cousins and headed to the hotel to check in. A quick nap extended to nearly three hours and we groggily headed back for a lovely grilled-pizza dinner with the Flaxes. If you’ve read Izzy’s posts, you’ll know that Marina had a sleepover while we took Izzy back to the hotel with us. After his itchy night in North Platte, we wanted to be sure that he didn’t wake up Ron and Ilene who had to work today, Monday. He slept fine and only felt a little left out. He may have his first non-grandparent sleepover tonight.
Since Ilene and Ron had to work, we took all four kids today. The kids had breakfast with us at the buffet. It was quite a showdown: Flaxes vs all-you-can-eat bacon. Let’s just say that the Flax kids won and leave it at that. It was rainy in the morning, but not too rainy to take a walk along the Boulder Creek, which is right outside our hotel room, down to the library. We hung out there for a while, reading Dumb Bunny (Rebecca’s suggestion) and Foxtrot (Marcus) and some Shel Silverstein. Then we walked over to Pearl Street and were able to satisfy Marcus’s craving for falafel. After lunch, the sun came out and we trudged back to the hotel to swim for a few beautiful hours. Em hair-dried Rebecca’s cast afterwards.
Colorado music: This is too obvious, I suppose, but what the heck. I love Apples in Stereo, so here are one and another. Philip Bailey was born in Denver; I’m not sure he’s singing on that one, but this is him.
Me, my mom and my dad are at the hotel. Marcus, Rebecca, and Marina are going to meet us at the hotel this morning. I took my first real shower today. Me and my dad are going to go on a walk to check out the hotel. I think it is going to be very fun.
Hair is awesome!180 hairs fall out of your head every day, I think. I know this doesn’t go with my title. I’m just being a weirdo.