We arrived in Glendale around 11am on Thursday, early for our appointment with the school district to register the kids for school next year, but with lots of forms still to be completed. Paco showed up soon after and the process went smoothly. The registrar was impressed with our completeness. There’s no assurance that the kids will be able to enroll in our preferred school, just a block and a half away, but it does look good. We’ll know after August 6.
After registering the kids, we went to a great lunch place in Glendale with Paco and headed to his house. The kids got to see their new rooms and go swimming. Em and I each crashed for a while and let the kids roam free. Eva showed Marina and Izzy her secret stuffed-animals room under the stairs, a cozy, carpeted nook complete with DVD player. The kids loved it and seem comfortable with the house.
It would be nice if we could all just nestle in now, but our travels continue. We head to the Freedman homestead in Santa Monica this afternoon. We’ll all be there for a few days at which point Marina and I depart for our second round: Marina to camp and me to the AAPT conference in Austin I’ve been helping to organize. I’ll be gone for just about a week, during which time Em will be working from Santa Monica and Izzy will be going to Wizard camp in the afternoons at the Science Museum. When I get back, the three of us will move into the La Crescenta house. Two weeks later, I’ll go get Marina, and (we hope) close on the new house in Clinton. Then, Marina and I will come back just in time for a week of relaxing before the fall semester of school begins for the kids.
July 20th, 2012 at 1:38 pm