I just got lost in the hotel after breakfast. My mom came looking for me outside, inside, and everywhere. It was really scary to me and my mom. I ended up in the 150’s, and I don’t even get it, I didn’t think there were 150’s in this hotel.
We are going to Bryce Canyon this morning but it is raining. And then we are going to the Grand Canyon! I can’t wait until I see the Grand Canyon. It is so big, I’ve seen pictures of it. I can’t wait to see the Grand Canyon in person. I heard that they’ve built something that you can walk out on and look over into the Grand Canyon, but we’re not going to that part.
July 14th, 2012 at 10:39 am Oh boy Izzy, I bet it was really scary. We had that happen a couple of times. Once at the Disneyland parade I let Howard and his cousin Debra go up front for a closer view. When Debra came back Howard wasn’t with her. We started searching and finally found him at the lost and found for kids. But it was scary and we were all crying. Your mom got lost a few times–once when she was about 5 I think, she ran into an elevator in a 14 story building and the door closed before I could get in. I started to run down the stairs but I knew I waswn’t fast enough. I then had to think “what button would and could she push.” But as you can see, all ended well. We found each other. I hope you have a great rest of the day. Lots of love to all of you.
July 14th, 2012 at 2:01 pm Hi Izzy, Aunt Ilene got lost in a big shoppomg center once, and we were all terrified. Then we heard them announce that there was a five year old girl named Ilene Marcus ans we were so happy to be together again! It is important to keep your eye on where your mom and dad are, so it doesn’t happen again. xoxox