It’s still hot. We drove through southern Minnesota in the worst of it, but got easily to the Green home (Green Acres) and were delighted to have yet another reunion. Marina and Izzy hit it off with Cleo and Ludo. I crashed for a couple of hours and woke up feeling a bit better. Em and Carolyn got to catch up and jump into the lake with the kids. (The house is right on the lake.) We had a nice dinner with Justin’s parents. The house is beautiful. We’re going to have a great time here. The kids are thrilled about not having to drive for three days and when I feel better, I’ll try to keep up with the drinking here.
We’ve done 1400 miles, about 40% of our total, already. Time for an earned respite.
July 3rd, 2012 at 7:48 pm the rest will do you all good. our best to justin & carolyn.
July 3rd, 2012 at 7:59 pm It is wonderful to hear about your extraordinary trip. Your children are getting to see a beautiful part of our country and meet your old friends. It is not surprising that your children hit it off so well with their children because you share so much of the same values. Bravo to you and em.
July 3rd, 2012 at 10:30 pm Hi Marina, I am just catching up on your posts and discovered I have lots of catching up to do. (I suspect the post I am answering is one your dad actually posted under your name as a pseudonym). You’ve seen a lot of the country by now–places I would love to see like Niagara Falls and the upper peninsula of Michigan and places where I spent a lot of time like Minneapolis and Lake Okeboji. It will be fun to talk about those adventures. I hope your new experiences soften a little of the sadness you feel at leaving Clinton. It can be difficult to say goodby but you will have much to share when you see your friends again. When Grandpa and I were young there was a big amusement park (at least I remember it as being big)in Okeboji. Is it still there? Have fun and keep on writing. Lots of love from Grandpa and me.
July 4th, 2012 at 4:19 am Dear Marina and Izzy, We think you should know that, as Nonnie pointed out in her sweet posting, your father has been masquerading as Marina. We figured it out, because, as everyone knows, Marina can express herself much more eloquently. Perhaps his fever caused this lapse in judgment. xoxoxo
July 4th, 2012 at 10:31 am Argh! I indeed posted three times as Marina. Sorry for the confusion!
July 4th, 2012 at 12:46 pm We trust you’re feeling much better today, Russ? Are the kids fully recovered? Is Emily still OK? Are you all fully able to enjoy these three days? We just learned our flight has been changed to one leaving 3 1/2 hours later; fortunately, we’re still home, not at the airport. Thanks for your bon voyage wishes.