We’re all feeling a little better after a good night’s sleep. None of us, save Emily, ate anything last evening and Izzy has a big appetite despite his fever going up slowly this morning. Em’s running out to get him something.
We’re still hoping to see my friend Dan this morning and then get down to Justin and Carolyn’s this afternoon, though we’re taking things one step at a time and could stay in this beautiful hotel room another night if we wished. We’re right in the middle of the city, among tall buildings and skyways.
My friend Scott braved the room full of germs and hung out with us here last evening. The kids were just vegging with their nooks and we realized that their temps were rising as we were hanging out. It was great to see Scott. We haven’t seen each other in a long time; he had never met Izzy. Unfortunately, Gabriela is in Rome, so we didn’t get to catch up with her. We chatted for a couple of hours and then crashed.
More Minnesota music: here and here; one of my favorite Tom Waits songs; this guy is from Duluth; and the Andrews sisters.
July 3rd, 2012 at 6:30 am Thanks for the optimistic update, Russ. And, how about you? Are you feeling better? Is Emily still OK? We’re very sorry you’ve encountered this awful bump in the road along your way. We send you much love, healing thoughts, and xoxoxo.
July 3rd, 2012 at 7:47 am Glad you’re doing a bit better, and I hope that your excursion continues to go west, and not south…